
Can Playing The Trumpet Hurt My Dog’s Ears? (Explained)

Does playing the trumpet hurt dogs ears
Written by Corey Morgan

Can playing the trumpet hurt my dog’s ears? Yes, playing the trumpet can hurt your dog’s ears.

But there are some things you can do to make it more comfortable for your dog. A few quick and simple tips: sit in front of them and not behind them, use a softer rubber mute instead of a metal one and don’t play too long or the sound will irritate their sensitive ears.

In this article we’ll explore these 3 easy ways to protect your pup from those painful loud sounds that come from playing the trumpet! Stay tuned as we go over how to keep your dog safe while still being able to enjoy playing music with friends!

Can playing the trumpet my hurt dog’s ears

Playing trumpet can be a lot of fun, but did you know that it can also be uncomfortable for your dog? Yes, it’s true! Dogs have very sensitive ears and the sound of the trumpet can be quite irritating. Here are a few tips to help make it more comfortable for your furry friend:

  • Sit in front of them and not behind them.
  • Use a softer rubber mute instead of a metal one.
  • Don’t play too long or the sound will start to bother them.
  • Practice as far away from your dog as possible: One way to make sure that your dog isn’t too close to the trumpet is to practice as far away from your dog as possible. This will help to reduce the sound that is coming from the trumpet and will make it more comfortable for your furry friend.
  • Have your dog outside while you practice: If you’re worried that playing the trumpet might hurt your dog’s ears, have your dog outside while you practice. That way, they can’t hear the sound, this will help to lessen the sound that is coming from the trumpet and they’ll be safe.
  • Have your dog wear ear protection: If you want to keep your dog close to you while you play, have them wear ear protection. There are many forms of ear protection for dogs that will prevent them from hearing the sound just as well as playing outside would.

These few tips can be very helpful for making your dog more comfortable while you play the trumpet!

How this is true and why dogs are sensitive to loud noises such as trumpets

If you’re like most dog owners, you’d probably admit that your pet is more than just a friendly companion. They’re like another member of the family! So any time they feel discomfort, it’s easy to want to provide them with some relief and protect their ears from loud noises such as trumpets. The truth is: dogs are sensitive to loud noises and playing the trumpet can be very irritating to their sensitive ears.

The sound of a trumpet can hurt your dog ears. Dogs have a much higher frequency than humans, so they can hear sounds that are too high-pitched for us to hear. The sound of a trumpet is very loud and high-pitched, which can be very uncomfortable and even painful for a dog’s ears.

Does Music Hurt My Dogs Ears

While it’s not harmful to listen to music around your dog, some types of music can be a bit too loud for their sensitive ears.

Signs That Your Dog Is Uncomfortable With Your Trumpet Playing

There are many signs that your dog is uncomfortable with your trumpet playing. They may cover their ears, hide under the bed or become restless. You can tell if your dog is in pain by checking their eyes for redness and clear discharge from the nose or eyes. If you see any of these, take your dog to the vet immediately. Another sign that you should stop playing is if your dog shakes their head or scratches at their ears with their back feet.


It is important to be mindful of your dog’s comfort when playing the trumpet for dogs. With the small adjustments listed above it can be enjoyable for you both!

What do you think? Do you play the trumpet? Or have you ever owned a dog that was afraid of the sound? Let me know in the comments below.