
Are Professional Trumpets Easier To Play? (All You Need To Know)

Are professional trumpets easier to play
Written by Corey Morgan

Are professional trumpets easier to play?

No, the professional series of trumpets are not easier to be play.  On the other hand, I could still say that the answer is yes only that it is dependent on who is playing.


Instrumentalists who are interested in learning to play the trumpet must first start with the beginners trumpet. There are a variety of series of trumpets that are made by the numerous brands of trumpets and are basically made for beginners or the category of trumpet players who belong to the intermediate class. The professional trumpets are not easy to play.

Before we proceed, it is necessary to also reinstate that the series of trumpets designed for professionals are easier to play if they are been played by the professionals. On this note, for each reason we give as to why the professional trumpets are not easier to play, we will also share why they are easier to play.

Each reason will cut across both sides, because both sides refer to two categories of people or rather players; on the one hand, there are players of the trumpet who belong to the category of the beginners and students, as well as the intermediate players, while on the other hand there are the players of the trumpet who belong to the category of professional players.

Why professional trumpets are not easier to play

We have laid a foundation in the preceding section or paragraphs (that is the introductory part) on the fact that the professional trumpets are not easier to be played. We will in this section share why the professional chapters are not easier to be played.

The series of the professional trumpets are not easier to be played for the following reasons:

  1. The volume of knowledge
  2. The level of expertise
  3. The way the trumpets are made

We will briefly explain these reasons in the other paragraphs that will follow in this section.

1. The Volume of Knowledge

One of the reasons for which professional trumpets are not easier to play is because to play the trumpet and enjoy the trumpet while playing it requires a certain volume of knowledge that one does not get immediately.

The players of the brass instrument (trumpet) who are in the beginners category, and so are like newbies to the large musical world of trumpeters, what is required of a beginner is basically learning. Trumpets are not just played the minute they are gotten, including the models or the series of trumpets that are made for the beginners, the beginners do not start to play them immediately.

They first read through the notes, understand the keys, and then understand the trumpets and what they can do with each part of the trumpet. They will also need to have an understanding of how the trumpet works, and how the trumpet can be best handled.

In the same manner, the trumpeters or the players the trumpet (the brass instrument of our discussion) who belong to the category of intermediates, also require knowledge. At this level, they would have grown through using a variety of trumpets, and practicing a lot of keys and notes, taking their time to understand the techniques that the art of playing requires.

Now the volume of knowledge required to play the professional trumpet is such that the players of the trumpet who are in the category of the beginners or students, or in the category of the intermediate players will need to know the following:

  • The keys
  • The notes
  • The parts of the trumpets
  • How to blow the trumpet
  • How to move the valves
  • How to transpose notes
  • When to also transpose notes
  • The techniques of playing the trumpet

So, basically the category of players who are in the beginning level, as well as the players who are in the intermediate have a lot to learn before they are able to play the trumpet.

Now on the other hand, the volume of knowledge that is required to play the series of trumpets that are made for the players who are professionals are already a part of the professionals. The category of players who are professionals have the knowledge of the keys, knowledge of the notes, the parts of the trumpets, how to blow the trumpet, how to move the valves, how to transpose notes, when to also transpose notes and the techniques that are required in playing the trumpet in such a way that it is easier for the professional trumpets to be played.

So one thing is clear here, the professional trumpet players can play the models of trumpet made for professionals easily because they have the required volume of knowledge, while the players who belong in the category or beginners or intermediates are not able to play the series of trumpets that are designed for professionals because they do not have that value of knowledge that such model of trumpet requires.

2. The Level of Expertise

Already the previous section talks about the knowledge that is required for any player to be able to play the models of trumpets made for the professionals. Another reason or factor that determines if the professional trumpets are easier to play is the level of expertise. It is one thing to gain knowledge of something, then it also is a very different thing to practice what has been learnt over and over again to the extent that one has all the techniques required at the tip of one’s fingers.

Actually what differentiates the trumpet players who are in different categories is their level of expertise. The players who belong to the category of beginners or students, are on a level of expertise lower than those of the intermediates, which makes it not very easy for them to play trumpets, let alone the professional trumpets. Meanwhile those in the intermediate category also have their level of expertise to be on the intermediate level, and the professionals are on the pro level of expertise.

However, to advance in the art requires training, a lot of training and practice, a lot of practices. What is important at the end of the day is that a player who plays on the level of the beginner today, will play professionally someday depending on the pace of the player, and the same goes for the player who is on the intermediate level.

So what you know about playing the trumpet is important, and how you play it, or the level of skill and expertise employed while playing it is another option.

3. The way the trumpets are made

This brings us to this third reason. A key factor that deters the ease of playing the models of trumpets that are professional is the way the trumpets are made.

It is so because the professional models of trumpets are made with the intent of giving professionals what they need to enjoy the art of playing the trumpet or the skill of playing the trumpet. These models of trumpets are made in the manner that the valves are too fast and that every slight move counts for a sound, hence the players who are in the category of the beginners or intermediates cannot gain proper control over the valves while playing.


Professional trumpets are easier to be played by the professional trumpet players, and are difficult for the players who are in the students’ class.